Fatima Logofatima

Building your own validator

Fatima is completely agnostic on how you validate your secrets.

There's currently some built-in validators that you can use, but I will show you how to create your own.

Do not proceed on your own with these libraries

Unless you know what you're doing, I highly recommend using the built-in validators for the following libraries:

  • Typia

How the validate function works

Inside your env.config.ts there's an available validate key that you can fill with a function of the following type:

export type FatimaValidator = (
  env: UnsafeEnvironmentVariables,
  context: FatimaContext
) => Promisable<{
  isValid: boolean;
  errors?: Array<{
    key: string;
    message: string;

Creating a custom validate function with zod


Fatima alredy comes with a built-in zod validator, this is just an example.

Here's an example using zod:

import { config, validators } from "fatima";
import { z, ZodType } from "zod";
import { EnvKeys } from "env";
type ZodEnv = Partial<Record<EnvKeys, ZodType>>;
const schema = z.object<ZodEnv>({
  ADMIN_PASSWORD: z.string().min(12),
export default config({
  validate: ({ env }) => {
    const result = schema.safeParse(env);
    const isValid = result.success;
    const errors = result.error?.errors.map((error) => ({
      key: error.path.join("."),
      message: error.message,
    return {


To validate, just run the validate command:

npm fatima validate

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